Horizon Management Group is a specialist human resource management consulting firm with over 30 years experience that enables organisations to get the best from their people. Implementation of our proven integrated employee management system and training managers in its use has resulted in managers having the right framework to get the best out of their people and deliver results. Additionally, we regularly consult with our clients to provide day-to-day HR support as needed.

services we offer
Helping businesses
We help businesses to:
Set clear direction, strategies and plans
Plan for human resources required to achieve business objectives
Partner with their people and establish optimal employment policies and contracts
Establish effective recruitment processes to ensure employees are the right fit and aligned with the values of the organisation
Define and communicate what is expected of employees and how it is measured
Provide the right development for good performers
Help managers have those difficult conversations to improve the performance of their teams
Provide a meaningful reward system that encourages high performers to stay and minimises staff attrition
Establish consistent succession planning processes to find tomorrow’s leaders
“It’s like giving a good driver a good car in order to perform, so too with managers. Good managers need good processes to be able to manage their people well”